As Manager, how to conduct proper recognition and appreciation?

June 12, 2023
min read
As Manager, how to conduct proper recognition and appreciation?

Recognition and appreciation can be an important tool for managers to motivate their employees and foster a positive workplace culture. But how do you know if recognition is effective? What kinds of recognition are the most effective? How often should you recognize employees for their work? In this guide, we'll answer these questions and more!

Workplace recognition and appreciation is important

Workplace recognition and appreciation are important for:

  • Employee morale.
  • Employee retention.
  • Employee engagement, which leads to higher productivity levels and greater profitability in the workplace (and beyond).
Recognition should be personal and specific to the employee

The most valuable form of recognition is personal, and it's important to make sure that the employee understands why they are being recognized. When you recognize someone in front of their peers, it shows them that their efforts are valued by the entire team.

It's also helpful to recognize employees for specific achievements or behaviors rather than just saying "good job." If your company has a recognition program in place, try to use those tools as much as possible so that everyone knows how hard work gets recognized.

Recognition can come in many forms

Recognition can come in many forms, some examples of which are:

  • Praise is a great way to show someone you appreciate their efforts and achievements.
  • Gifts are one of the oldest ways we humans have shown appreciation for each other, whether it's giving someone a favorite food or candy or something more personal.
  • Rewards are another popular option--they're usually something tangible (like a gift card) that you give out when someone does something exceptional or goes above and beyond their job description, but they don't have to be limited to tangible items; sometimes just saying "thank you" can be enough! If none of these options seem right for your organization's culture, there are plenty of other ways to recognize employees' hard work: letters written by managers praising their accomplishments; plaques hung on walls honoring those who've gone above and beyond; even having an office karaoke night where everyone gets together for some fun after work hours! The possibilities are endless!
Recognition should be ongoing, not just once a year

Recognition is more than just words and rewards; it's about making your employees feel valued and appreciated. Employees who are recognized by their managers will be more likely to stay with the company, which means less turnover costs for you as a manager. Recognition doesn't have to cost anything either--a simple gesture like sending flowers or saying thank you can go a long way in improving employee morale and productivity!

The best recognition is personal, specific to the employee and meaningful to them at that time. For example: if someone has been looking forward all year long for an upcoming vacation trip during which he/she plans on spending quality time with family members then giving him/her two weeks off from work might not seem very exciting since there won't be much free time left after traveling expenses etc.. But if instead we give him/her tickets for two days at Disneyland during those two weeks then chances are that person would feel much better appreciated than before (and maybe even happier than if they had received money).

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It's important to recognize employees for their contributions

Recognition is an important part of employee engagement, and it's something that should be ongoing, not just once a year. It can come in many forms:

  • A simple "thank you" from your manager or other senior leaders
  • A plaque on the wall with names of employees who have been recognized for their contributions (this is a great way to recognize people who don't get recognized enough)
  • An email sent out by HR congratulating an individual or team on their success
  • And many other forms.

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In conclusion, workplace recognition and appreciation is an important part of building a positive culture. It's also something that can be done in many different ways, so don't feel limited by the ideas above! The key is to remember that you don't have to go big or expensive every time--just make sure each employee knows how much they mean to your organization.

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