The Power of Feedback In the Workplace

June 12, 2023
min read
The Power of Feedback In the Workplace

We've all experienced feedback in the workplace. Maybe your boss told you that you should have scheduled a meeting with a client before lunch so that they didn't have to wait for you to eat in order to discuss their needs. Or maybe a colleague took time out of their busy day to give you some feedback on how they could be more helpful when working together on projects. In both cases, these are examples of what it means to give and receive feedback at work. But there's more power here than just making sure we're not eating chicken salad while having meetings with clients or co-workers who need help getting something done before the end of the day (though those things are important too!).


OKRs are a goal-setting framework that can help you align your team towards a shared vision. They're also great for keeping track of progress and making sure everyone's working on the right things.

However, OKRs are not just about setting goals--they're also about measuring that goal's success or failure. That's where SMART comes in: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time-based (or "SMART"). If you can't measure something with an OKR goal then it probably isn't specific enough; if an objective doesn't have enough action points within it then it may not be actionable enough; similarly if there aren't any metrics attached to a given objective then its success or failure cannot be determined until after its completion date has passed (which defeats much of the purpose).


Feedback is a gift. It's about the future, not the past. Feedback is about helping people grow and develop into their best selves, but it also has to be specific enough that they know exactly what they need to work on and how they can improve.

Feedback should be given in a way that makes sense for your organization or team culture--in other words, don't force your own personal style onto someone whose personality might not benefit from it! Some people are better suited for direct feedback while others may prefer softer approaches like asking questions instead of telling them what they did wrong (or right).

Feedback also needs to be timely; if you wait too long after an incident occurs before giving someone constructive criticism then it'll likely feel more like blame than helpful advice for future improvement--and no one wants that!

Feedback is a gift

Feedback is a gift. It's not a right, and it's not something you can demand from people. Instead, it's something you have to give freely--and often.

Giving feedback is something that comes naturally for some people but can be difficult for others. If you're the sort of person who likes giving feedback (or if you want to get better at doing so), here are some tips on how to do so effectively:

  • Give positive feedback first - If someone has done something well, let them know! Even if they're already aware of their success or accomplishment (which is likely), telling them will help build confidence in their abilities and encourage further improvement over time. Also keep in mind that sometimes negative things happen by accident; if this is the case with your colleague or employee(s), try not being too harsh when pointing out where things went wrong so as not to discourage future attempts at improvement.* Don't wait until everything has gone wrong before giving negative feedback - Sometimes we wait until everything has gone wrong before giving any kind of corrective action because then there'll be no question about what needs fixing or improving upon next time around.* Don't wait until one bad incident happens before giving corrective action - This goes hand-in-hand with Rule #3 above: If someone makes one mistake which could cause harm but doesn't actually cause harm itself due either way then why punish them?
Feedback is about the future

Feedback is about the future. It's about what you can do differently next time, and how to get better at your job.

Feedback is not about blaming, shaming or punishing someone for their mistakes--it's a way to improve performance by helping people learn from their mistakes so that they don't make them again in the future.

The power of feedback in the workplace
  • Feedback is a gift.
  • Feedback is about the future.
  • Feedback is a way to improve, grow and get better.

Feedback is a powerful tool that you can use to help your employees improve their performance, but it's not always easy to give. The best way to start is by setting clear goals for yourself and others, so you know where everyone stands at all times. Once you're comfortable giving feedback in this way, try some other techniques like using positive language when giving negative feedback or using questions instead of statements when possible. And remember: everyone makes mistakes! So don't get discouraged if things don't go exactly as planned--just keep trying until they do work out right eventually!

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